I read a devotional titled “Old Timers” this past weekend. This scripture from Hebrews was used and it made me think of the “cloud of witnesses” I was with from Thursday to Saturday. I was with my clergy covenant group, a group of 10 brothers whom I love and respect. The group has been meeting for over 30 years, but I have only been with them for 15 years. Half of them are retired now, so we are feeling like “Old-Timers” when we see the young clergy at district and conference meetings.
These guys have been “ a cloud of witnesses” for me for the past 15 years as they have mentored me, prayed for me, let me cry and be angry, and have held me accountable. I know that without them, I would not be in ministry today.
While I have many other “witnesses from my past, these guys have been the core for the past 15 years.
Who are your “cloud of witnesses”? Who are the people who have prayed for you, guided you in faith, taught you about being a disciple, and walked beside in times of trial?
God bless all of our “witnesses”.
Have a blessed week!
- Lenten Midweek worship at 6:30 on Wednesday. Rita Grimshaw will be sharing her faith story.
- Holy Week worship schedule includes Lenten Midweek, Maundy Thursday meal and worship (reservations requested), Good Friday worship, Easter Cantata, and Three services Easter Sunday.