Midweek Message, May 23, 2018

This week we celebrate Trinity Sunday. The mystery of the Trinity is a profound doctrine, yet integral to our understanding of God. Below is a prayer for Trinity Sunday.

O God of all life, you are present to us in the wonder of creation; in the quiet whisper of a spring breeze and in the thunderstorms that shake the earth. You are present also in the tall strong Son of Galilee, whose earthly life provides a pattern, whose death provides release from old captivities, whose rising awakens a fresh new hope. We know your presence, too, in the still small voice within that warns us when we stray from your path and encourages us when we might stop along the way. We are grateful for your coming in all these unique and special ways. Amen.



·        VBS sign up continues. Join us for this creative week of sharing the Good News with children from around the county.

·        Please be in prayer for the 30 folks preparing to go to Puerto Rico on June 16.

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