Midweek Message June 27, 2018


Jeremiah 31:17 says, “there is hope for your future, says the Lord: your children shall come back to their own country.”

Last week I worked alongside 12 teens from Indian River County and several from Puerto Rico. This week I have been in Vacation Bible School with 35-40 children each day. There are many people who express concern to me for the future of our country and our world when they see this generation of kids locked into electronic devices so much of the time and, seemingly unconcerned about the world around them. I want to proclaim that, if these kids I have been with these past two weeks are any indication of our future, then our country and our world are in good hands. These were young people who thought deeply, interacted well with adults, worked hard, learned with purpose, and were seeking a relationship with God. It was a joy to be with them and to talk about spiritual concerns.

These young people gave me a deep sense of hope for the future. I can’t help but feel more positive about the next few generations after seeing the servant hearts of the teens and the respectful inquisitiveness of the children. I hope you will continue to reach out to young people and share of yourself with them. I am so thankful for our Beachland Ministry, the Youth On A Mission outreach, and the Intervarsity Ministry at IRSC. We can help mold some of the next generation with positive, Christ-based concepts as we support and interact with these young ones.




Enjoy the FOURTH of July! The Church office will be closed.

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