Midweek Message, July 4, 2018

Happy Independence Day!

On this Independence Day we should be on our knees thanking God for all God has given us. The United States was founded upon the principle which says everyone has an equal opportunity. Thank God for a country where there is no caste or class to keep a person from choosing any path in life for themselves. If a person has a will to work and study, he or she can get ahead regardless of background. In addition, thank God, God has given us freedom of religion. Whatever you may believe, no one can close your house of worship because your religion does not coincide with theirs. A few people meeting in a small, out-of-the-way shack, worshiping God as they believe in, have the same right to religious freedom as the people who worship God in the great cathedrals on the avenues of our greatest cities.

God bless the United States of America.




·        Help feed the Homeless at the Source this Sunday. Food is still needed.

·        Join us next Wednesday, July 11, for our Covered Dish Supper and Movie Night. We will be watching “I Can Only Imagine”.

·        Help is needed any day at The Shining Light Garden. Contact Dave Althoff for more information.

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