Midweek Message, December 5, 2018

The original Hebrew for “peace” is the word is “shalom”. Shalom means a putting back together. Like pieces of a garment, sewn together to make a whole.  Or puzzle pieces gathered together — found after being lost — to fit together to make a whole. I’ve often found peace by knowing what to do.  Or finding a solution. But, the truth is, not every problem has the solution we hope for. Most of life really is a journey to experience God — when we deeply experience our humanity and our stories. Faith is not given to us to avoid life. Faith is given, so we can hear the Voice who gently whispers, “Come to me, weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Matt. 11:28 Perfect peace is experienced when I place my trust in Jesus. He is the One who is putting all the pieces back together again.  Not me. God is putting me back together. Making me whole. Complete. But, I need to let him. Allow Christ to be born in us — in the quiet places where we long for perfect peace. And remember, birth is a messy journey, but it is real. Perfect peace is a Person. Jesus.

I realize that it’s human nature to want editorial control of our lives. But, Advent calls us to stop. To make room for God’s story to take shape in you and me. It is to be able to say, as Mary once did — Let it be to me. Just as you say.

Peace to you, Cliff   CHURCH NEWS: Advent Vespers begin tonight at 6:30 pm Band of Brothers meets Saturday, 8 am, at CJ Cannons Christmas Cantata is December 15, 4:30 and 7:00 pm Christmas Eve worship, 3 pm and 5 pm

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