I love the opening verses of Psalm 37 because they all begin with action verbs and, collectively, they cover the essence of the faith-filled life. Take a look: Trust in The Lord and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture (Psalm 37:3) Trust in, believe in, connect deeply with, walk with, hold onto, and love – The Lord; make Him first in your/my life. And do good. It’s saying the same thing as the two great commandments, but just uses different words: Love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength, and your neighbor as yourself: Trust God and do good (to others).The result: you will dwell in the land (the land of knowing you are doing the right thing and are in the right relationship!) and enjoy safe pasture (think Psalm 23 – The Lord is my Shepherd… green pastures). Four ideas that will serve you well today: Trust, do good, dwell, enjoy. Say them again and say them often. Trust, do good, dwell, enjoy – all day, every day.
- Wear Red this Sunday to celebrate Pentecost!
- Next Sunday, May 22, we will celebrate several youth joining the church and being confirmed in Christ! Alleluia!
- The Greytwig house (next to our parking lot) renovation is coming along nicely. Demolition is complete and framing is almost finished.